Antonia Reyes Montealegre
Teacher Plus

Antonia Reyes Montealegre

Wildlife illustrator, travel writer and visual storyteller

Tulsa, Chile

Antonia Reyes Montealegre

Mis historias y registros de aventuras en la naturaleza están en @paraiso__perdido

Como ilustradora he querido poner mi trabajo al servicio de la naturaleza y la conservación. Mi trabajo tiene el propósito claro de despertar la sensibilidad frente al valor de la naturaleza, bajo la premisa de que cuando valoramos, cuidamos.
Dibujo inspirada en la idea del PARAÍSO como jardín infinito por descubrir, donde todas las especies interactuamos en armonía y respeto.


  • Naturalist Bird Illustration with Watercolors

    Observe and interpret the beauty of birds and learn to paint their feathers, shapes, and vivid colors

    A course by Antonia Reyes Montealegre, Naturalist Illustration

    85% Disc. Original price $39.99USD
  • Naturalist Illustration Techniques: Whales in Watercolor

    Dive into an ocean of watercolor and learn how to illustrate a majestic sea creature by exploring drawing and painting techniques with a splash of experimentation

    A course by Antonia Reyes Montealegre, Illustrator

    85% Disc. Original price $39.99USD
  • Illustrated Travel Sketchbook: Recording Nature

    Learn how to represent animals and extraordinary places in your sketchbook by connecting with nature through illustration

    A course by Antonia Reyes Montealegre, Naturalist Illustrator

    85% Disc. Original price $39.99USD


Professional listing

Joined May 2017